by Michelle
(Perth, WA)
With my daughter's learning difficulties, we decided to see a Naturopath, who determined that she was likely to be gluten intolerant. So out went the gluten laden diet.
A week long period of withdrawal ensued, which we both survived. Her behavior worsened over the week, but then improved. We then discovered her cravings for first dairy, and then salicylates, (whole other story that one) of which she is also intolerant.
I love her simplified diet. I am reminded of where she was, every time some gluten sneaks in. She becomes a different child, negative toward everything, even her favorite things.
For her, her gluten intolerance manifests in emotional imbalance and irrational negative thoughts. She has no gastrointestinal symptoms. She is 5 years old, and I often wonder what would have happened to her life if we had not discovered this intolerance.